Five Days of Water Fasting by Les Waterfall: A Deep Dive Into Rest & Reclaiming My Warrior
Have you ever felt a deep call to cleanse—not just your body, but also your emotions, your thoughts, your deeper core of self? That is where I found myself before I stepped into a water fast experience in Bali recently.
When Professional Boundaries Are Misunderstood: A Sacred Dance of Love and Limits
Professional boundaries in healing and spiritual work are vital to maintaining trust and respect between practitioner and client. However, these boundaries can sometimes be misinterpreted, especially in fields where profound emotional or energetic connections arise.
Sexual Trauma and Healing in Intimate Relationships
Healing from sexual trauma is a deeply personal and transformative process. This journey often involves reclaiming a sense of safety, reconnecting with your body, and gently addressing the emotions and memories tied to the experience.
Embodying a Tantric Life in an Urban World
What Does it Mean to Live a Tantric Life in Today’s Fast-Paced, Urban World? Is Tantra something only for those who have hours to meditate and practice away from the noise of the world or can it be woven into your everyday life—amidst work commitments, busy schedules and the rush of city living?
A Guide to Intimacy for Long Distance Lovers
Nurturing intimacy in a long-distance relationship requires creativity, intention and open communication. Distance can feel like a barrier, but it can also deepen your bond as you explore meaningful ways to connect emotionally and energetically.
Transform Your Daily Routine into a Sacred Ritual
In the rush of everyday life, it’s easy to overlook the potential for finding peace and meaning in your daily routines. With a shift in perspective, these routines can become powerful rituals that enrich your life and encourage you toward fulfilling your dreams.
Travelling Sumba Solo by Scooter
I decided to go on an adventure to Sumba solo. The catalyst was to visit The Sanubari resort and see the potential for running Tantra Yoga retreats there. Whilst there, I felt it might be nice to explore the island. I got so much more than just exploration of the island.
The Ultimate Tantric Retreat for Couples
Suited to all looking to deepen connection in love, our 8-day Tantric Retreat offers an especially unique experience for couples seeking to reset, reconnect and reignite their relationships.
Rediscover Pleasure in Everyday Life: A Guide to Sensory Bliss and Awareness
By directing your awareness inward, and tuning into your senses, you can uncover a wealth of experiences and insights that often go unnoticed.
Creating Connections: How to Radiate Love and Attract Relationships
Love magnetism is driven by embodying the boundless love within and gracefully channelling it outward, like a divine flow.
Transform Your Intimate Life: The Power of Respect in Sex
Respect in sex is the foundation for cultivating loving, nurturing intimate experiences with lovers…
Conscious Living: Harnessing the Value of Your Energy for Greater Success
Hard work does not necessarily equate to success as much as we might hope it would…
The Reality Check: Understanding Sexuality in Virtual Worlds
The world of virtual reality is now vast and with seemingly infinite potential to keep unfolding like fractals…
Oxytocin: The Hormone of Love, Trust, and Emotional Connection
Naturally we crave affection and physical intimacy as humans and sentient beings…
Yielding & Forgiveness
There’s a time and a place to yield and forgive. It’s not when someone asks it of you…
The Sexually Dominant Man
In my Tantra sessions with men, I often experience men saying something along the lines of "but I'm usually the giver, can't I give to you?"
Filling Your Own Cup
Wind can make music of nature and also tear it apart. Mere droplets of water become rivers…
Fantasy or Reality Love
To be in touch with reality in love is crucial if we want to develop a relationship that considers, loves and honours each individual of that relationship…