Filling Your Own Cup

There are times wherein looking to others to feed us love is the only thing we can think to do, the only thing we crave above all else. However, at some point we must learn how to love ourselves, choose to love ourselves, be strong enough to hold our own weight and fend for ourselves.

If we don’t learn to love and support ourselves, we run the risk of getting shattered by others dropping us along with our expectations upon them to hold us up. Or, we get burdened by the expectations they place upon us to hold them because we seek their love and support. This is a habit of human nature, especially when it comes to the fight for survival.

Through loving and supporting ourselves we have the chance to develop wholesome, loving connections as we are no longer reaching out so vulnerably, compromising ourselves, looking for others to fill our empty or half full cup. When we merge with others, with our cups full like theirs, an overflow of blissful completeness can be bathed in together.


The Sexually Dominant Man


Erogenous Zones