Somatic Awareness: Reconnecting with the Body’s Wisdom for Deep Healing
The body holds ancient wisdom, speaking in sensations, tension and movement. Somatic awareness is the practice of tuning into these signals, allowing us to access deeper layers of healing, self-trust and emotional release.
True Healing: Restoring Wholeness Through Deep Awareness
Healing is more than the absence of illness; it is a deep return to wholeness. True healing occurs when we address the layers of emotional, energetic and spiritual imbalances, bringing awareness to what longs to be seen and released.
Managing Trauma: A Guide to Recovery
Managing trauma is a journey of profound healing and self-discovery. Trauma often leaves imprints in the body and mind, shaping how we experience the world.
Building a Powerful Personal Practice: Key Habits for Health, Focus and Success
Personal practice is the cornerstone of spiritual growth and self-awareness. It’s where we create a sacred container to explore our inner world, build resilience, and deepen our connection to the universe.
Goddess Rituals: A Luxurious Guide to Rejuvenation and Self-Love
Goddess rituals connect us to the divine feminine within, offering a sacred space for empowerment, healing, and transformation.
Understanding Sankalpa and Samskara: The Path to Self-Transformation
In Yoga, the term Sankalpa is used for a divine intention, solemn vow, one-pointed will or determination. Samskaras are subtle impressions of past thoughts, speech and actions in the psyche…
The Benefits and Practice of Bee Breathing (Bhramari Pranayama) in Yoga
Bee Breath, Bhramari Pranayama in Yoga, is a form of breathing involving humming during exhalation…
Active Surrender in Yoga and Tantra: Embracing Ease, Strength and Openness
An advanced and authentic Yoga or Tantra practice has qualities of ease and poise, without striving or force…
Mastering Abdominal Breathing for Health and Well-being: A Guide to Diaphragmatic Breath
Abdominal Breath, also known as diaphragmatic breath, is the breath that brings the body back to homeostasis…
Love Languages Through Tantra
Love, a universal language that speaks to the depths of the soul. Just as we all possess a unique personality, the expression and reception of love vary in distinctive ways for everyone.
Her Sexual Reawakening
Women’s sexuality has been suppressed, exploited and abused throughout time…
Erogenous Zones
Erogenous zones traverse the whole body and build in particular potency where the nerves gather in closest arrangements across and just under our skin…
Loving Kindness Meditation
Cultivating loving kindness within and without creates a better you and brings in more friendliness, good will and genuineness from others.
Circular Breath
The Circular Breath is the continuous cycling of life force throughout the body starting from the jaw, going down the front of the body to the pelvic floor, up the back, over the head to the top palate.
12 Healing Crystals
Did you know that some stones have healing properties? They can be used to bring inner peace, comfort, self love and health to your life. You can choose crystals to connect with your feminine or masculine energy, bring balance, restore peace within yourself and many more things. Each crystal has its own unique benefits.
Tantric Touch
To apply Tantra to the realm of intimacy, there has to be deep respect for and credence in the practice. There should be belief and implicit trust in the lovers with each other. Mental constructs need to collapse momentarily to make way for opening with your lover in full surrender to each other and the divine as it works its magic through you.
Emotional De-Armouring
Body Armouring is a process that occurs from experiences that prompt the urge within us to block, defend or numb ourselves. This may be due to danger, anxiety, stress and other disturbing feelings and sensations that the experiences bring with them.
Men's Ejaculation
With Tantric paths that accept sensuality as an expression of spirituality, the main purpose of the practice is to attain spiritual freedom and enlightenment, using everything we have been given as human beings.