Goddess Rituals

Bring lushness to your love life

Love, nurture & rejuvenate your mind & body

Remind yourself that you are worthy of love & nurturing

Restore pleasure, joy & radiance in life

Daily Meditation

The choice is yours. For a length of time of 10-20 minutes. It can be in savasana, lotus pose, or assisted in a chair. You can use a guide with gentle instructions. Meditation is more powerful if you use your own mental discipline and inner guidance.

Daily 15 - 60 minutes of Yoga

Depending on energy levels, practice whatever style you like for as long as you wish to do it, however, I recommend 15 minutes as the minimum amount of time followed by another brief meditation.

Yoni Treatment

Make an ointment of vitamin e, cucumber juice and ginseng and use on the lips and surrounding area of your yoni regularly. This can become a morning routine. If you have thrush, stay away from sugars until symptoms abate and introduce raw garlic to your diet. It has great antimicrobial properties. Of course, use a cream as you need from your local pharmacy but please acknowledge many body imbalances come from what we are eating and can be amended by balancing your diet. Seek the advice of a naturopath if need arises.

Nature Exposure

Get nude in nature in private and safe places. Swim in natural water bodies like waterholes, rivers and oceans. Expose your yoni to the sun and moon regularly to nourish your yin and yang energy and get the sexual juices flowing. Take night time walks under the moonlight (in safe places). Tread barefoot to the earth. Indulge in a mud bath to smooth the skin or epsom salt bath to ease muscle tension.

Diet & Digestion

Drink daily fresh juice of cucumber, parsley, carrot and orange. Add ginger if needing digestive help. 
Eat half a fresh peeled garlic clove uncooked daily. Chop into tiny pieces and take with a bit of untreated honey if needed. If you have any problems with digestion it interferes with libido. See a doctor-naturopath to determine if a diet reset is in order. You may need glutamine and collagen to support and soothe your GI tract. Once you feel clear and balanced in the gut, you may just notice your sex drive fly powerfully high.

Jade Egg

The Jade Egg is used to increase orgasmic potential, tone and revive the yoni. The practice originates in Asian cultures and it strengthens the vaginal muscle walls and improves awareness in women of their yonis, especially during sex. There’s conflict around Jade Egg use and whether it truly benefits. I’m of the opinion that the presence of a natural, clean and smooth item inside the vagina can do no harm. Women stick worse things up their yonis in attempts at self pleasure. Perform 20 minute sessions of it being inserted followed by vaginal and pelvic floor contractions along with tilting the pelvis in all directions, 3 times per week. Wash it well before and after use with natural soaps.

Regular Massage

Get involved in mutual massage weekly with your partner. Alternatively, add a regular (weekly, fortnightly or monthly) massage to your budget with a qualified, genuine masseuse you deeply value and respect. It may take time to find the right masseuse for you. Be patient and honest with yourself on what techniques you like and who you are happy with touching your body.

Daily Self Massage

Self massage cultivates self love, nurture and respect. Make time upon waking and just before bed to clean and massage your feet, face and hands at the very least. If you have more time continue onto the rest of the body. You might like to use aromatic, calming oils.

Neti Kriya

Use a neti pot, or other nasal cleansing techniques if you know them, once a week. Use warm, purified water with dissolved sea salt.

Petal Bath

Once a month, hand select flowers from the garden or local markets. Pick off the petals and pollen and put it all in a bowl. Run a warm bath, not too hot. Pour in half of the petals. Light some candles and place them around the bathroom. Leave your phone and all other technology outside. Close the bathroom door and turn off all electricity and lights. Slip into the water. Pour the remaining petals over you. Sink under and surrender yourself to the cleanse. Emerge, settle into peace, breathe in the aromas, acknowledge yourself as a Goddess.


Finding Balance in a Modern World


Sankalpa & Samskara