The Solar Plexus
The solar plexus, also known as the sun centre and Manipura Chakra, “City of Jewels” in Sanskrit, is the centre of will, action and power. It is positioned behind the navel. Will and action reinforce each other to generate willpower. Willpower is a primordial divine force that must be discovered, explored and developed through action and achieving desired goals. All desires in life need willpower fuelling them to be fulfilled. However, when the solar plexus functions without connection to the heart or crown chakra, willpower comes directly from ego, not love or divinity. When we act from our ego will, this can have us achieve what we want but is likely to create conflict and power battles with those around us. When we act from divine will, we act to accomplish our soul purpose which lies in accordance with harmony and grace.
When it comes to the will of the ego, there is typically the desire to have the upper hand over others. It’s important here, however, to consider what it costs to win at the end of the day and what happens to the losers. Do you care about the losers? Do you care about what it costs to win? Also, if you have lost, how do you make peace with that? If you’re not connected to your higher self, you may find making peace with losing very challenging and detrimental to the strength of your self esteem.
The solar plexus relates directly to self esteem. If we feel disempowered, our self esteem suffers greatly and self criticism and sabotage start to burden the mind and body. If we feel empowered, our self esteem can elevate the body and mind into states of great health, passion and energy. If we feel so powerful, we must be careful insatiable desire doesn’t dominate. The sun centre can influence the individual to burn everything up in its path on its pursuits for conquest over everyone and everything, including oneself. It’s a very important centre to consider along with the themes of power it governs.
A naturally strong solar plexus comes from an individual who holds dedicated focus and self-discipline in their life across most or all aspects. They don’t often opt to stay safe and comfortable for long as challenges present the opportunity to strengthen their resilience and personal power. A powerful solar plexus with a free flow of energy from the upper and lower chakras, helps us to act on decisions and intentions that are in alignment with our truth and deeper soul purpose.