Tantric Touch

To apply Tantra to the realm of intimacy, there has to be deep respect for and credence in the practice. There should be belief and implicit trust in the lovers with each other. Mental constructs need to collapse momentarily to make way for opening with your lover in full surrender to each other and the divine as it works its magic through you. Expectations must be surrendered. They hinder not only the mind from being truly present and clear, but also the free flow of energy, movement and breath into and throughout the body and energy channels.

Finding mutual rhythm is crucial. Rhythm of physical movement and psychological intent generates a flow of energy, when lovers are connected, that builds the eroticism and sexual intensity between them. Breath. So much is in the breath. Synchronised breathing is the gateway to sacred union, ecstatic spiritual transcendence with your lover. Breath is also the starting point for getting into rhythm and sync with each other’s energy bodies.

Listening for the other’s body language via their permission signals and body’s suppleness or lack thereof increases receptivity and openness to the moment. It also provides the opportunity to inquire and encourage deeper body connection and emotional understanding when answers are provided. Be mindful of your own body language. What are you communicating through your body to your lover?

The Yin and Yang principles apply to the bodies of men and women and all other sexes. Opposites attract. Typically, a woman needs to be warmed up slowly and deeply caressed to be aroused and lifted in heat to meet that of her man. She may also do well to strengthen her primal energy to meet his. A primal match of energy depends on both of their physical fitness levels. Men, already running hot and primal most commonly, need to soften, lift their energy into the heart and cool down to fall in sync with her feminine rhythms of slower, supple, sensual flow. It’s a fine balancing act to achieve prolonged states of being in sync with each other but with practice happens more often and amplifies the sexual and orgasmic energy exchange between lovers. The above principles will vary for each individual whether man, woman and any other gender type depending on their energetic orientation, constitutions and hormonal outputs.

There exist poles in the body - the heart and breasts, lips, lingham (penis) and yoni (vagina). These poles generate life force energy flow between lovers as they act like magnets for each other. The poles of the heart and lips have interchangeable energy charges, meaning they can give and receive. The lingham and yoni, whilst they have some degree of interchangeability, for the most part, they traditionally stand for the positive and negative poles respectively. For example, there will be a physical aching of longing in a woman’s yoni, her negative pole, when she is deeply aroused by her lover. Like a magnet attracting the opposite pole, the positive pole, his lingham, her yoni draws him in energetically.


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