Sankalpa & Samskara

The term Sankalpa is used for a divine intention, solemn vow, one-pointed will or determination to achieve a specific desire formed at the core of a collected body, heart and mind. It cannot be controlled or contrived. It can only be evoked and awakened.

Once awakened within us, it becomes the driving force behind our thoughts and activities. To come to fruition it involves complete faith and trust in ourselves and our actions, without wishing, hoping or doubting. However, frenetic thought and activity from a body and mind unchecked and undisciplined make this very difficult.

Samskaras are subtle impressions of past thoughts, speech and actions in the psyche. These are stored in the unconscious mind and muddle our actions and determination without us realising. Until we become aware of them, they continue to influence our lives in mild and major ways. Awareness of Samskaras comes through contemplation and self-enquiry. These shed light on Samskaras because they involve disciplining the mind and settling it so we can deeply reflect upon who we are in stillness. The more discipline we have, the easier it is to make contemplation more effective and henceforth to realise our Samskaras and set about resolving them.

The Practice for Sankalpas and Samskaras

  1. Listen to the messages. Settle the mind enough to awaken its subtle nature. In a subtle state we can listen to the quiet but powerful messages of the soul. This takes courage as it is about stilling, softening and becoming vulnerable so that you can hear what your heart and the deepest corners of your psyche have been wanting to tell you. Call on truth and love to guide you and give you clarity in this process.

  2. Focus and Invite. When the messages are revealed, focus upon them and invite them closer. Sit with them, feel them, reflect on them.

  3. Respond. Act on what the messages require of you. Let them call you into action and out into the world to manifest your soul desires. A daily practice of meditation with Sankalpa Mudra enclosing a note with the Sankalpas written on it and holding mind’s focus upon them will affirm their existence and charge the body and psyche with confidence, determination and motivation to make them reality. Yoga and Sound Nidra also assist reawakening and reinvoking the Sankalpas should they fade in focus and clarity.

  4. Stay True To Your Highest Self. The self within you that holds you in high esteem, dignity, integrity, mental acuity, health and happiness is the self you need to be listening to in order to resolve your Samskaras and bring your Sankalpas to life. This is your highest self. Stay true to it.

“Sow a thought and reap an action.
Sow an action and reap a habit.
Sow a habit and reap a character.
Sow a character and reap a destiny.”

— Ralph Waldo Emerson


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