Circular Breath

The Circular Breath is the continuous cycling of life force throughout the body starting from the jaw, going down the front of the body to the pelvic floor, up the back, over the head to the top palate. It involves breath work and visualisation. The benefits are greater vitality, peace and clarity of mind, openness of breath and a physical sense of overall lightness and buoyancy. It can also be done during sex and encourages a powerful and pleasurable experience as lovers cycle their energy together whilst intimately connected. This exercise can be done for any desired length of time. Five minutes a day is a good place to start.

  1. Sit comfortably in a chair with bare feet connected to the earth or cross-legged on the floor with buttocks grounded.

  2. Bring the tip of the tongue to the roof of the mouth and hold throughout the breath cycling.

  3. Focus on the navel below the belly button. This is the seat of our life force. Breathe gently and deeply into it repeatedly. The belly should be soft and receptive to the breath — moving naturally, without force.

  4. Once a little heat can be felt in the navel, visualise it moving from there down to the perineum, then up to the sacrum, along the spine, back of neck, over the head, down behind the nose to the roof of the mouth where the tongue tip meets. Then back down the front to the Hara. That is one cycle. Perform as many as you like.

  5. To conclude, take your attention back to the navel, place a hand over it and circle repeatedly both clockwise and anticlockwise until you feel anchored and settled. A suggestion would about 20 circles in each direction.


Loving Kindness Meditation


Soulmates, Twin Flames & Karmic Lovers