Soulmates, Twin Flames & Karmic Lovers


A soulmate is that special individual many dream of discovering one day to live out their lives with. They are said to be an individual with whom one shares a natural affinity, a deep empathy and transcendent, soulful connection. Some suggest that there is only one true soulmate. I believe there could be more than that, especially given the network of souls incarnating and reincarnating, exchanging love and intimacy across the many lives they live by one another, growing in parallels.

Soulmates are highly compatible with one another across a multitude of aspects from intimacy, romance, sexuality, physicality, spirituality, intellect and creativity. Soulmates do not always have to be sexual with one another. They can also be platonic. Some soulmates remain friends and support each other closely throughout their lives. If they are a sexual partner, there would tend to be a deep inner knowing of the other’s love language and how to dance in harmony with it. Their mind’s thinking and styles of creativity share a likeness or mutual understanding and compliment each other. Their bodies tend to know each other’s rhythms.

True soulmates contribute to and support each other’s life, making life easier, more enjoyable, fulfilling and love-centred. It’s not to say there won’t be times of conflict, however, the intense and strong bond of love they hold for one another means they can work through the conflict they experience and transform it into sustenance for their mutual growth in life and love for each other.


A twin flame is said to be another soul that reflects our own, mirroring to us so many similarities, that it’s hard to ignore and not see the supernatural at play. It is thought to be an individual’s other half, wherein at some point along the path of reincarnation, one’s soul was split into two and these parts incarnated in different bodies across the time and space continuum we find ourselves in.

 Those who feel this concept applies to them feel inherently that something unignorably significant is missing, that they hold a drastic void within. They long for their other half to rejoin them whether consciously or unconsciously and are never truly content in life until they find them again. A twin flame relationship can be intensely challenging and gut-wrenchingly painful, especially if the individuals are forbidden to be together by others or their bond is interfered with or prevented by external factors. If they can come together in ideal circumstances that allow their bond to unfold with grace, then it can be phenomenally healing, life-changing and viscerally, soulfully relieving.


This concept is more complex, entangling and confusing, especially when we’re in it. A past life lover is one with whom we have karma to complete. They are often confused with soulmates but upon a more objective perspective, the lovers can realise there isn’t much at all between them that is compatible and conducive to continued support in their lives unless their souls are choosing to have their paths converge and parallel.

 There may be an intense initial attraction that magnetises them to each other, most often sexually, but sex may not be what is actually required of them and can plunge their attraction into toxic, unstable territory. This attraction arises because of the karma they need to resolve with each other before they can move forward in their lives and soul mission. 

The karma could have come about from a multitude of reasons. Love may have been taken too soon due to death or separation. Conflict of varying degrees could have occurred, which may not have had anything to do with sex. They could have been enemies or rivals in social groups or families. They could have done things to each other to intentionally cause pain, shut them down or oust them and isolate them from love. There are countless possibilities, though the reasons can be intuited by oneself or with the help of trained and authentic mediums.

These individuals can help or hinder each other. Some past lives we have experienced together have been incredibly damaging,  destructive and painful. These create imprints and blockages within us that inhibit our soul freedom and strength. Attracting a karmically bound lover is the universe’s way of attempting to restore harmony to the environment and to the souls involved in the conflict, creating disruptions to the flow of grace.

If the energetic charge between these souls is too intense, painful and heavy, they may not be able to work into harmony and find resolution until they have done further work on themselves individually. Sometimes, however, the timing is ripe for healing and metamorphosis to occur. Maybe sometimes, only one is capable of finding healing from the exchange and the other still holds onto the pain the bond generated. An ideal situation sees all involved transcend the karmic chains created by them, each in their own way, most authentic to themselves.


Circular Breath


Is your lover an emotional manipulator?