Sexual Intentions & Intuition


When you want sex, are you in the pursuit of it for your own gain or are you interested in an experience of mutual pleasure with your lover? Are you looking for a safe haven of sexual warmth and comfort but not actually wanting to offer that in return? Do you ever even think of these things — what your actual intentions are with sex and lovemaking?

Your intentions determine your outcomes. If your intentions aren’t clear then your outcomes aren’t clear either and usually disappoint both you and the other partner with your sexual experiences together. 

If you want a wholesome and deeply satisfying sexual experience, the other must be considered and given to as well as received from. It must be a fair exchange. Intentions involving mutual care, respect and appreciation regardless of whether in a relationship together or not, help your experiences to become nourishing and ones to think back upon affectionately. It can be very challenging to create these experiences, especially if we don’t have practice adhering to these kinds of intentions. However, if you don’t pay any mind to what your intentions are or if they're selfish, then this won’t be promoting healthy sexual or relational exchanges and will typically bring more chaos and disturbed emotional states to your world.


When you are clear on your intentions and you find the other person is not, it’s really important to encourage the other to express what their intentions are in interacting with you. If you could avoid the emotional and physical frustration of mismatched intentions and giving your body too soon before it feels safe, you’d want to, right? No matter what sex we are, we all experience vulnerability when we’re naked and opening our hearts when exploring sexuality and intimacy together.

Your intuition reads what your mind alone cannot. Your intuition takes in experiences holistically. The mind tends to entrap itself, limit its perspective and not see the bigger picture. Your intuition draws from your experience, your wisdom and the information you receive on sensory, mental, emotional and spiritual levels. This is why it’s superior to the mind when it’s stuck on a purely mental-rational plane. Thinking in itself is not enough to read just anyone or anything. It’s better to come to rely on your intuition. It factors in how you deeply feel, think and what your soul is actually wanting out of life.

However, honing your intuition takes practice.


Body Language

Are you aware yet that you are unconsciously reading other people’s body language all the time when you’re interacting with them? The more aware you can be of this the easier it will be to understand how another is responding to you and what effect you have on others. You can learn to read intentions through body language like through how someone looks at you, the way they touch you, how they position themselves in relation to your body. To be consciously aware of this in the moment is the challenge. Often we think about these things in hindsight along with a mix of overwhelming emotions if something didn’t go as planned. How to remedy this?

Practice conscious and subtle awareness of how you compose yourself and how others compose themselves around you. Learn body language meanings. If you doubt you know these from your own intuition and experience, do some extended research. There will be some more things we can observe though, and build a partial picture of what’s unfolding in each moment with another, like if someone is reserved and avoids eye contact they may be too caught up in personal things or can’t deal with being fully present with you. If they are cheerful and excited as they look intently into your eyes, they may be curious to play and learn more about you.


Communication via direct inquiry is also another method for learning another’s intentions. This is asking them directly what it is you’d like to know. If we’re afraid of confrontation and speaking our truth, which is very common, this is difficult but it’s a massive part of sharpening our intuition and developing skills in conscious relating. So, when you directly ask what it is you’re wanting to know from the other and their response is nervous, evasive, hesitant, seemingly false or deceptive, there will commonly be tonal changes such as erratic and possibly overly fast speech. These indicate that this individual may be struggling to express their truth or find the right things to say. They could also be concealing truth. If they are in integrity and coming from their truth, whether confident or not, their responses should put you both more at ease even if it’s hard information to hear. Their breath should flow easier, as well as yours in response to them. Their body will relax once they express themselves even if expressing is initially challenging.


The eyes alone speak whether they know they’re being witnessed or not. They can invite a dance of flirting when the moment calls for it. They can invite love and softness when they lock and spark with mutual understanding. They say no when boundaries need instating. The eyes are key ways of communication and foreplay. It benefits greatly to listen to their messages. They establish psychological connection and open the soul gateway between two individuals. This is why lovemaking with sustained eye contact is so powerful! They can also entrance and hypnotize if they come from manipulative individuals. Though this you may sadly only be able to recognize in hindsight of the experience when you’ve already been taken advantage of. Please be aware! Whilst many people have unconsidered, calm or good intentions, there are also those who are completely apathetic to all others, narcissistic and self-serving and for whatever personal reasons, they hold for being that way.


Hands give, create, receive and heal. They can also destroy and inflict violence. They are an extension of intention and heart from the body. They are strongly linked with the heart through energy channels down the arms which project out through the hands. They are sent signals from the brain to fulfil our desires. They channel signals the sender is emitting consciously and unconsciously. Have you ever been grabbed by someone who’s trying to flirt with you to get lucky on the dance floor? Have you ever been held back from leaving by someone who’s trying to manipulate or force you to stay where you are against your will? Have you ever been in a raging fist fight? Have you ever had someone consciously and intentionally place their hand on your heart to send it love? Or the back of your heart? Have you ever tried that? If you hold clear and loving intentions, this is a really strong technique for generating love, security and bonding between you and another. Especially when you’re both doing it for each other.

Nervous Instincts

Do you ever get nervous in situations and you can’t pinpoint why? Your gut uncomfortably churns and rumbles like crazy. The food you just ate won’t digest properly. Or perhaps there’s a need to go to the bathroom more than usual. Could be a few reasons why this happens. Could be that the situation or person genuinely makes your body feel uneasy. Could be that you’ve hyped yourself up in anticipation of the experience with the other. Could be that the external circumstances aren’t conducive or potentially damaging to creating a harmonious experience for you with the other. There would be other reasons as well but the main point is to trust your gut instincts. Do you ever get overly sweaty palms, brow, upper lip, underarms, feet or elsewhere in situations where you don’t feel secure or safe? Do you notice that in other people? The body often reacts involuntarily and in disconnection with the mind until we have more practice aligning them when it needs you to survive something by either escaping, confronting or freezing in situations.

Third Eye

Working with the third eye directly is an advanced technique that involves very mindful and dedicated practice and meditation. The third eye, known as the hub of our intuition and genius, is like a muscle that needs to be exercised in order to be developed and strengthened. Very few have it granted that their third eye is wide open and clear as crystal from birth. They are able to see and sense other levels of truth and reality than what can be absorbed and sensed directly through all of the above means. They can usually sense energy flow, auras, mental, emotional and spiritual disturbances and may even have psychic apparitions, visions or clairaudience that assists them in situations with determining reality and intentions.

Through all sensory, mental, emotional and spiritual levels, the intuition is better able to read intentions. Use your eyes and develop personal insight to learn how bodies communicate. Master how to communicate with your own body through meaningful body language. Use the eyes to see into the depths of another. See if you can learn what others’ preferred forms of communication are so that you can better understand them rather than expecting them to communicate through only your preferred forms. Open yourself to questioning your own communication style and how this aligns with your intentions. Acknowledge and trust your nervous instincts. Awaken your third eye through regular meditation practices. Tie all of these aspects together to strengthen your capacity to read sexual intentions.

In summary, there’s a lot to consider when we are learning about ourselves and each other, especially in this insight post, with relation to sexual intentions and how you can develop your intuition with them so that you stay safe and supported. Diving into sexual experiences without careful consideration can create a great deal of  stress and trauma to ourselves. So if we can just take the time to examine our core values and intentions as well as that of our lover/s then we have a far more likely chance of creating really beautiful and wholesome experiences with each other. 

I hope this has helped you gain insight on your own sexual intentions and how they can intertwine with developing intuition. I invite you to share any comments if you like as I love opportunities to discuss and learn more about these topics from shared experiences and improve my knowledge and understanding of humanity.


White, Red & Black Tantra


Sexual Trauma