Love Over Lust

The heart gives meaning to life,
it gives to every part of the body.
Without heart, we would not be.
Listen to it. Let it guide.

Forget about lust for a moment.
Fulfil your desires for intimacy 
through first learning
the many languages and arts of love.

Go and sing and dance.
Play with poetry. Give out the gift of words.
Speak through soft touch and movement.

Laugh together, breathe together.

make love and art through intimacy.

So delicate and vulnerable is the subtle pondering of the heart and its desires to be requited. Our lust and impulses bring on exciting experiences but if they are not in alignment with our heart’s desires, the effects are not only disappointing but devastating. Lust and impulsivity hinder the path to achieving true love and full power in our lives. Maybe the instant gratifications they reward seem worthwhile and give kicks of pleasure. Maybe that’s all some will ever know and experience of bliss, despite it being fleeting.

Deep and lasting bliss, however, comes from a heart that beats healthily and happily within its body. The heart craves openness, softness and tenderness to beat this way. It yearns to be honoured, held, understood, accepted and connected to love. 

Sex that leaves the heart untouched brings confusion and grief that many quite often manage to hide from themselves. Yet, in this society and even in relationships, people often consent to heartless sex. This makes it quietly grieve, shut down and build walls of judgement, loathing and denial which inhibits growth.

Learn to listen to, love and honour your heart. For your sake, especially.


Sexual Trauma


The Crown Chakra