Tantric Sexuality

“When in such embrace your senses are shaken as leaves, enter this shaking.”

— Sutra 49, Vigyan Bhairav Tantra

♥ Good sex gives you a recharge and helps to clear physical, mental and emotional blockages. Passionate, uninhibited, spiritual sex with deep love, trust and authenticity, clears your mind and rejuvenates your whole body and soul.

♥ Tantric sex is an art form that takes practice, commitment and deep presence to master. It requires sacred, special time and space set aside for it by both partners. With it, you can create a strong and supportive foundation for a continuously blissful and nourishing unfolding of honeyed intimacy and lovemaking together that far exceeds any pleasure you can ever attain with sex arising solely out of spontaneous lust.

♥ There are many components that contribute to the whole experience of Tantric sex — love, trust, mystique, integrity, authenticity, eroticism, play, passion… it infuses life with magic. It is by no means a boring or arduous practice. If you felt it to be so, then your heart has not yet been opened. You may still be trapped in your mind.

♥ Tantric sex cannot be if partners enter intercourse with lust alone. It is a sacred practice, a ritual. Tantric sex is not about exploiting the other, nor unburdening yourself only to burden the other without any consideration of them. It is supposed to provide deep spiritual nourishment and liberation for each involved.

Tantra is not a religion, rather it is a system of techniques that when practiced result in realisation across all aspects of life and deep unity across body, mind and soul. The techniques have been developed to bring about catharsis and purification, honed skills and awareness and powerful awakening of our life force energy.

To practice Tantra, we need to be prepared to let go of social conditioning, limiting beliefs and sexual inhibitions that prevent us from reaching our full potential. Tantric thought dictates that we are all capable of harnessing our sexual life force energy and utilising it to become vibrant, embodied souls within our unique human forms.

With the practice of Tantric techniques in intimate contexts, the bliss that it brings can become therapy. Orgasmic sensations that travel throughout the body can trigger the release of long-held tensions and blockages of energy, soothe the effects of trauma on the psyche, the physical body and soul and reconnect us with our divine state of being, a natural euphoria. Through deep sexual experiences, that are meditative and all encompassing, we can come to realise that sexual energy is nothing but divine energy. Sex becomes Samadhi.

Sexuality need not be a taboo thing, nor need it be about possession or ownership, explored only within marriage. Sexuality can be brought into the light with Tantric practice so that it can be expressed with confidence and conviction and explored with care and playful curiosity. It can become orgasmically rich and a powerful form of expression of the passion of the soul, which is liberating, spiritually fulfilling and supportive for achieving our highest potentials and encouraging optimism in life.

Tantra encourages us to become our own lovers before seeking another to complete us. This develops the capacity for autonomy within ourselves which is important for growth and when it comes to building a relationship as there will be more freedom in connection, less expectation and clearer personal boundaries. This freedom promotes harmony and ease in flow of love and intimacy.

“Don’t condemn sensuality. It has been condemned by the whole world, and because of their condemnation, the energy that can flower in sensuality moves into perversions, jealousy, anger, hatred — a kind of life which is dry, with no juice. Sensuousness is one of the greatest blessings to humanity. It is your sensitivity. It is your consciousness. Consciousness filtering through the body is what sensuousness is.”

— Osho

“Any sexuality that doesn’t grow out of divine love is only a sham you might abandon yourself to, which you can’t call Tantrism. Any experience linked to the ego, desire, or possession has nothing to do with Tantrism. To become a tantrika you must have the soul of a hero. Under no circumstances can someone ruled by passions or victimised by an egotistical, manipulative sexuality complicated by power or repression advance successfully along the way. When Shiva penetrates Shakti, it’s a complete act, a sacred act.”

“In Tantrism, the first thing is having the experience of touch, of profound contact with things, with the universe, without mental commotion. Everything begins there: touching the universe deeply. If you let go before touching deeply, that can bring on severe mental turmoil. Many beginning yogis make this mistake. They let go before taking hold. They lose contact with reality. The heart is never opened. They enter into a sterile void and remain imprisoned there. When you touch deeply, you no longer need to let go. That occurs naturally. The world is to be passed through in full consciousness. There is no other way, not a single detour or shortcut.”

— Tantric Quest, Daniel Odier

“The heart has a strong connection to the sexual centre. It is associated with the fire element and is the energetic centre of passion and affection. It is known as the “king” of all the internal organs, circulating blood and energy through the entire system.”
“The lungs are the organs of breath, keeping us intimately connected to the universe… Simply by observing the dynamics of the breath, we can witness the balance of yin and yang and the constant flow and exchange of life-force energy within the universe. The negative energy of the lungs is depression and grief, one of the biggest causes of impotence and low sexual energy. Positive energy in the lungs allows you to breathe in life, to experience it. To feel sexually aroused, the whole body needs to be alive and full of energy.”
“Sexual energy is nourishment for the totality of ourselves - the body, the mind, and the spirit. It is the water of life, replenishing the gardens of the human temple. The human being is the only animal who has the ability to direct sexual energy with his or her imagination whenever desired. With proper guidance, the sexual energy can be a rich treasure of joy, happiness, and passion. It can be a tool to create and maintain optimum health and vitality, transforming a mediocre life into an exceptional one, changing a stress-filled, unhappy life into one filled with success and fulfilment.”

— Sexual Reflexology: Activating The Taoist Points of Love, Mantak Chia & William U. Wei


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