The Triadic Mind

The Triadic Mind consists of Atma, Buddhi and Manas. It is the collective soul consciousness of an individual. The Triadic Mind is said to be immortal as it reincarnates for the soul consciousness to learn and experience life in physical form again and again to expand upon its knowledge of life and existence.

Atma is the infinite Divine aspect or Universal Consciousness. In order to express itself, it needs a finite physical body and the small mind of Manas.

Buddhi is the Higher Self, the bridge between the universal mind and the small human mind. It organises divine wisdom and energy received from Atma and filters it through to Manas to educate, open, clear and replenish it.

Manas is the Human Mind or Ego, the smallest mind of an individual. When disconnected from Buddhi or Atma, it tends toward conflict and destruction with its immediate environment, others and itself. Anything around it can be a threat to its existence as without the higher aspects of the mind, it has no protection nor strength. When connected, it is a perfectly unique expression of the Divine in the form of a well developed, harmonious personality in a human being.


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