The Dance of Feminine & Masculine

In Tantra, we learn that every individual has a masculine and feminine aspect within them constantly interacting and dancing with one another. This comes from a core principle of Tantric philosophy, the relationship of Shakti, the goddess, and Shiva, the God. These two deities are describes in many ways and stories and are symbolic of the energies inseparably at play in the universe and within ourselves.

The feminine aspect is characterised by a dynamic, enchanting energy, of infinite creative potential and power to generate life. It governs our capacities of intuition, sensitivity, subtlety, suppleness and softness. It is about inner strength.

The masculine aspect is characterised by a stable bedrock kind of energy, providing support and structure for clear and dedicated action. The masculine governs our capacities of intellect, drive, contraction or togetherness, direction and stability. it is about outer strength.

As the feminine dances, explores and creates freely and openly through space, the masculine provides shape, discipline and challenge for her so her dance can evolve, her wildness mature and so she can bring life into being. When the feminine influences the masculine, his stubborn rock energy can break down into free flowing, shapeable sand so that he can rebirth into new, strong and radiant forms. These opposite forces are designed to work in harmony with one another. The power of intuition and wisdom of our feminine side must be acknowledged and respected just as much as the power of action and support of our masculine side.

The masculine-feminine dynamic is crucial to understand, especially for resolving conflict. Everyone has a masculine and feminine side. Some women are incredibly dominant in the stubborn and action-oriented masculine energy and some men are much more in touch with their sensitive and intuitive feminine side. Women typically hold more feminine energy than men as men typically hold more masculine energy than women. Non-binary individuals have unique constitutions of masculine-feminine energy or they alter them. With more understanding of masculine and feminine energy and awareness of how we are wielding our masculine and feminine aspects, we have higher potential to bring through harmony within and with one another. When we have internal harmony, our health improves, happiness increases, living becomes graceful and easier along with relating to our surrounding environment and other individuals.


Resolving Stress


Letting Go