The Sacral Chakra
The sacral chakra is our desire centre. It is positioned within the bowl of the pelvis. It governs how we connect with others in the tribe, how we dance and flow in sensuality. It’s where our primal and sexual urges gather in intensity. Addictions develop when this centre is out of balance. When this centre is in balance, it promotes a healthy sensual flow and wholesomeness in the way we intimately connect with one another. Out of balance, the way we connect in closeness and sexuality can become very problematic, dramatic, chaotic and wanton.
This centre can largely be responsible for the damage many people cause to themselves via their addictive tendencies. Those that are slaves to their sacral centre are slaves to their desires and drive toward lives of excess and self sabotage. This could be promiscuity, gluttony, drug-fuelled benders, binge eating and many more. Too much energy trapped in the sacral area prevents energy flow to other chakras and to the heart. This then becomes an indication of one who doesn’t value or love themselves, is uncertain of their worth and struggles with basic life stability.With their eyes set only on attaining their desires, they can undergo quite extensive self harm on many levels.
To balance the sacral chakra energy out it’s important to move, to dance or find daily flow in your body. To think about what your heart and soul actually desire rather than what your body or mind crave for instant gratification and go about achieving that. Body cleansing techniques are also important such as digestive system flushes, fasting and enemas. With all cleanses, great care must be taken in selecting the right practitioners and methods for you. In any case, you’ll have to try things out and develop discernment as you go because there will always be the possibility of making mistakes. It’s just about learning from them.