
The brainwaves are rhythmic patterns of neural activity stemming from the central nervous system that send out various frequencies. Understanding the brainwaves is the first step to being able to regulate them to grow and affect change where it’s needed or desired most. The brainwaves link in directly with different states of being such as euphoria, intense focus and meditative compassion. So let’s look at the brainwaves science has outlined for us.


Gamma brainwaves are the fastest and subtlest of the brainwaves. They run at >40HZ. They activate when the mind switches to a mode of rapid information processing, states of supreme love, advanced meditation and altruistic actions with compassionate intention. As an example, tests have detected gamma brainwaves in monks and nuns during their prayer time. This brainwave frequency evokes sharp, clear bursts of insight and when activated more frequently in individuals, an expansion of consciousness and a strong sense of spirituality emerges.


Beta brainwaves are prevalent in our day to day waking moments. They run at 14-40HZ. These brainwaves activate in conscious functioning states such as when we are planning, excited, attentive, calculating, processing, focusing, critiquing and reasoning. When we are in a Beta brainwave frequency for prolonged periods they overwork the nervous system which brings on a whole host of issues like digestive issues, hormonal imbalances, chronic stress, restlessness, anxiety and insomnia.


Alpha brainwaves activate through deep relaxation whilst awake and light meditation. They run at 8-14HZ. They provide access to the subconscious mind and intuition, promote imagination, visualisation, vivid memory recall, superior learning and concentration. They induce calm, attentiveness and the integrating of mental and emotional triggers, events and experiences.


Theta brainwaves occur when in deep meditation and light sleep. They run at 3-8HZ. They are usually experienced very briefly between Alpha and Delta brainwaves. Whilst in a Theta brainwave frequency, one can lucid dream, explore visions, develop creativity and genius as well as receive divine inspiration and insight through experiencing deeper spiritual connection with the Universal Consciousness. Theta brainwaves allow the mind to remain conscious whilst the body is asleep. This state is hard to prolong because deep sleep is often needed more but it can be practiced. With practice, the Theta state has the capacity to rewire neurological networks for desired holistic growth and transformation.


Delta brainwaves are slow and lengthened with an intense, blanketing and anchoring quality to them. They run at 0.5-3HZ. They come on with the mind and body settling into deep dreamless sleep or via transcendental meditation. Delta brainwaves completely withdraw consciousness from the external world and senses to an internal world of depth, darkness and regeneration. They catalyse deep healing and regeneration of the physical body. 

On a spiritual level, the Delta state is the gateway to the causal plane, the closest a spirit can get to the Universal Consciousness before uniting as one with it. This is to hone spiritual powers and advance one’s consciousness.


Infra-low brainwaves have such slow and long wavelengths that they are difficult to detect. They run at <0.5HZ. They never cease and provide the foundation for all other frequencies via their harmonics. They facilitate functioning and self-regulation of the body and improve neuroplasticity, the ability of the brain to change continuously throughout an individual's life. This is by developing synergy between neurons and astrocytes of the brain. Astrocytes are intrinsically involved with forming and clearing synapses between neurons.


Buddha Nature

